Saturday, December 15, 2012

: : In Love With Hedgehog : :

Afternoon peeps....

Baru je sudah searching breeder hedgehog kat, I'm currently in love with hedgehog... nie semua salah Put (my classmate)...dia yg bela hedgehog dlu...then, bila browse about hedgehog nie, quite interesting jgk...serious comel giler ok...

Dulu, lepas hbs je praktikal, diri ini menggedik untk bela rabbit...and I got it...hehe...Mr.Sayang bought two rabbits for me...hehe...mula2 tu excited jg la nk membela rabbit nie... I thought it was easy..BUT! susah giler and leceh ok...since my parents' house is in kawasan perumahan + bukan lot tepi, I cant provide a big space for my rabbits...I just put them in the cage without letting them got out from the cage...nie sbb ade kucing yg sentiasa memerhati my bit2s...did you guys know that rabbit nie boleh stress?? yes! rabbit binatang yg boleh stress...dia akn stress bila dia bosan, xboleh bermain and banyak sebab lg la...huhu..

 my previous rabbits @ bit2s
 injured after the orange one bite him@her (@_@ confused with the gender)
after 2 months at my house


if.....only if......
he would say this to me..... 

sorry for hurting you
sorry for missing you
sorry for loving you
sorry for not forgetting you
sorry for everything

: : Second Family : :

Greetings again...

Mase tengah cari idea nak tulis pasal ape, I found a picture, a picture that tells me thousand of stories. The happiness, the sadness, and all the feelings. 

Aku ingat lagi saat membuat satu tetapan dlm diri ini untuk menjadi seseorang yg bagi aku xramai yang nak. I am talking about being a Komender Kesatria in UiTM. Yeah, I know. Not all people have some kind of ambition like me (can we consider it as an ambition??). I still remember when I decided to become a Komander. It was after Mr.Abah bought a book titled 19 Hari Sesat di Gunung Tahan. I read that book and I started to know a little bit about extreme activity done by Komender. 

Before that, let me summarize a bit about this book. This book is about a girl named Nur Umaisarah Sameon, 21, student from UiTM Arau, Perlis, who joined an activity held by Komander Kesatria UiTM Arau. The activity was climbing Tahan Mountain. The story begun when she suddenly separated from her group of members when down from the mountain. She was alone that time and she struggled for 19 days in the jungle lonely. Without food. Without friends. And without money. (even she had money, she cant buy anything since she was in the jungle. except the animals opened some stalls :P) Then, after 19 days in the jungle alone, she managed to find out the exit and yes, she was alive until the end of the story. Hehe.

Ok, continue with my story, after I received offer letter to continue my study in UiTM Dungun, I was very excited and hoping to join Komander Kesatria there. BUM BANG BUM BANG, after a year, i got title Komander Rendah Muda Izyan Hazirah. Weeee....I managed to pass all the physical training. Oppss...forget to tell you guys. Before I got the title, I had to go through 2 weeks physical training. During that time, me and my 'siblings' faced a lot of test and one of it was affection from worm water. I was so scary that time but most of us managed to pass it. Alhamdulillah.

Now, in UiTM Shah Alam, I'm not going to join Komander anymore because my heart still with Shark Squad Komander (Komander Kesatria UiTM Dungun). 

 this is us after we got our title <3 p="p">
 this is during latihan asas air in bukit besi, Dungun
this is our reunion right after i finished my practical in Kuantan

: : New Routine : :


Wah..sudah lama aku tak update my blog...i think i need to update several things here ^_^

  1. Currently continue my study in UiTM Shah Alam...together with several friends from UiTM Dungun..Hanun, Baby, Isamuddin, Ayu, Syira Shairuddin, Shiro, Chah, Akang, Apex, Bos, Sunawan, Fefe, Ieka, Fhyne and.....Qila
  2. Already had my Convocation for Diploma in Hotel Management...well, I'm not quite excited in getting my diploma...maybe because only my parents and sister attended during the ceremony...I got jealous with my friends because they seems to have a very happy family..I'm not saying that my family is not happy..but..arghhh!! I should thankful with this condition, right? I still have my parents besides me..and also my moody sister with me...hehehe...sorry sis, i know you already...haha
  3. Be far apart with Mr.Sayang. I can't bear with this situation...we keep fighting since we are hardly meet now...however, I do Love Him so much... <3 li="li">
  4. banyak sangat yg terjadi hingga aku tak dpt nk recall balik...hahaha...
Anyway, starting from today, from time to time, I will try to update my blog as much as I can. I don't want to miss any single moment of my teenagers life from now on. :)

pray for me guys!

some of Dungungun in Shahalalam 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

:: Apam Polka Dot - Resepi ::


3 biji telur
1 sudu besar ovalette
220g gula kastor
150ml susu segar
275gm tepung gandum
4 sudu besar baking powder
1 sudu besar esen vanila
beberapa jenis pewarna


  1. Pukul telur, ovalette dan gula kastor hingga kembang.
  2. Masukkan susu segar da esen vanila.
  3. Campurkan tepung yang telah diayak sedikit demi sedikit dan pukul hingga sebati.
  4. Masukkan baking powder.
  5. Asingkan kepada beberapa bahagian dan setiap bahagian dengan pewarna yang berbeza.
  6. Masukkan adunan kedalam paper cup dan kukus.

* Pastikan tepung tu diayak dulu. So that, nanti apam tak bantat.
* Sebelum mulakan kerja, kukus dulu air. Pastikan apabila adunan dikukus, air sedang menggelegak.
* Guna paper cup yg kecil untuk hasil yg comel. Guna yg saiz buat biskut tu.
* Pastikan paper cup diletak dalam sarang die yg berwarna merah kecik2. Macam org cina buat minum teh tu.

~~Selamat mencuba (^_^)v ~~

Saturday, June 9, 2012

:: Apam Polka Dot ::

semalam (9/6/2012) last day my sister at home...
so, dia ajak aku buat apam polka dot..
sbb malam kemarin aku ade buat tp 1 adunan je..
die nk buat lg sbb nk bwk balik umah die..

comel kan apam nie??
hehe..nie hasil keje me and my sis...
next i will post the recipe...hehe

:: Mother's Day Gift ::

mase Mother's Day baru nie, I made apam as present for my mom...
actually, I got no idea to give what present to her...
hence, I decided to make homemade apam for her
and write my siblings' name on the apams
so, this is the result =)

err...nmpk mcm xcantik tp rase die best..hehe
well, sume name my siblings ade slm tu...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

:: Guru Ganti ::

dah kenapa tajuk entry pasal guru ganti??
tukar profesyen ke skrg??

sbnrnye skrg i'm a cikgu....keh3...
me become a cikgu??
owh! unbelievable...
nie sume sbb member abah yg offer...
in the sam time, i got no job that time..
so, just accept that as my rezeki...huhu...
well, today is not my first day at school...
it is 9th day me being a cikgu...

erm...i'm teaching Bahasa Melayu standard 4 and 5...
well, not really good but still can handlc situation..hoho...
sometime kene ganti guru yg tak datang that day...

contohnya seperti hari nie...
i was asked by Cikgu Omar(PKP) tu replace Cikgu Salwani in 1 Wawasan...
for your info, 1 Wawasan is the second and the worth class in standard 1...
adoi, so hard to handle them...
i got no experience in handling a class of standard 1 student

all of them are very super duper notty...
they did not listen what i;m saying and keeping teasing with their friends..
there is one student who quite untalkactive in the class...
when i was scolding some students who play outside of the class, he was crying..
coz one of his friends (Danish) hit him...
oh God..i feel like want to cry too coz i dont know what to do...
then, i just let him cry..hehe..

i cant be handle standard 1 students...
one hour is like one year..
cant breath at once..hoho...

anyway, now, i'm enjoying eating nasi bungkus in bilik guru..
lapor seyh!

p/s: nie la padahnye bila student Hotel Management become a School Teacher...
huhu.. T_T

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

:: update lagi and lagi and lagi ::


memang benar-benar mabuk dah miss izyan nie..


anyway, sepatotnya da balik keje....

but then, someone cook for me today....

lapoooo da nie kak fiza!!!


:: angin sengal dah datang ::

--> rase macam nak update blog every 5 minutes je :P

--> miss izyan da gian nak online setelah beberapa kurun tak update blog

--> ade lagi tp nanti lerr...

:: will miss you guys ::

untuk mengatakan bahawa miss izyan bakal rindu crew FO at de rhu beach resort

:: no title ::

ok....memang dah berabad giler3 tak update blog....bila dah bace blog member baru la teringin nak update...kalau tak mcm haram miss izyan nie nk update blognyer yang dah bersawang nie...

untuk ari nie, biau le benda nie dlu miss izyan coretkan...sekarang last day internship kat Kuantan...adoi, heaven hell seronak! ape2 hal later update lagi..huhu
