Tuesday, February 15, 2011

: : happy happy happy : :


i dont know whether today is the happiest day in this week or what...but i'm so so so happy today...orang kata sedih n gembira nie kena la kongsi same2...so, today, i want to share my happiness with all of you...wooohooo....

last night i SMS him and asked him whether he free or not but he said he got some work to do..then i just ignore his SMS and continue layan perasaan sedih la...fyi, yesterday was like hell for me..period pain, assgments, tests, quizzes and so on make my head wanna burst...i need someone to make me calm and only him can do that...

after i received his SMS, i went to toilet to wash my face and brush my teeth as i wanted to go bed...after came back from toilet, i got a missed call from him..do you know what's mean missed call?? panggilan rindu la... :P ...hehe..well, xsempat angkat, nada da putus...hoping for him to call back...

one minute...two minutes...three minutes....'muahh..muahh..sungguh aku cinta sungguh aku rindu...'..ha, gitu lah lebih kurang bunyi ringtone my cute pinky phone...yey! he called back...i answered and the first question he asked me was why am i so silent...hmm....i got problem you know...but i said dunno..hehe...saje je..but then, he kept asking me some sweet questions... :D

after 4 minutes, he ended the call coz got some work to be settled by tonite..he promised to SMS me after he settled eveything...i said ok and 15 minutes later, he SMSed me and said he bored doing his work...then we msg and bila da midnite, masing2 xnak tido..hah, ape lg...webcam la jwbnye...hehe...sampai ke pagi ber'webcam'nye...

smlm is sangat2 best...yg selebihnya tu biarlah kami je yg tahu....hehehe....

adui, rindu la kat awk...ish, bile dpt jumpe xtaw la tu...

doa2kanlah kami dpt jumpe ye...


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

: : abad : :

peh...terasa berabad blog ini tak di'update'kan...huhu...bukan malas..but have no idea what to chat about...if anybody got interesting title may share with me so that i can update my blog more often..hihi....hmmm....xtahu la nak borak sal ape...tp for sure this is my blog, so, of course about thing that related to me rite...huhu...

nothing interesting happened (impossible) but actually i forgot already what had happened along this week..haha...bukan xingt tp xnak ingt...got so many other things to be remembered...so, just forget about unimportant things lah! but, bosankan bile xde benda syok sy xingt...xpela..let me flash back what happen this week...

1) adoi...i cant remember anything what had happened this week...arghh....mesti sbb banyak telan semut nie...adei...sungguh xsuke..

actually, i miss him...nak jumpe die la..but he is sooooo busy...have to understand his job..well, it's ok for me....as long as i can keep in touch with him then i'll be ok.. hopefully...hihi...heran la how he can know my feeling about something...do we have instinct or what that can relate us to know about each other?? sometimes i can feel uneasy along the day...then, i got knew he sick...hmm..same as if i sick or something happen to me..he can feels it without asking me...

hmm....miss miss miss him a lot la...almost one month xjumpe..kompem la rindu...bila la dapat ketemu...haish! sabar3...tunggu die ade cuti dulu ok... :)

done for today la..xtahu da mau ngomong apa...
