Tuesday, September 13, 2011

: : 13 SEPTEMBER 2011 : :

ola uollss....
ari nie nak cite pasal beberapa perkara la..
ok, first thing first nk cite pasal lg sorg kawan nie haa...
baru2 nie budak kelas aku ade wat event le..
joran ria tournament namenye...
ok, let me describe a little bit about 'her'...
Z bukan name sebenar eh... (nk jugak :P)
ok, si Z nie dulu free hair tau...
mase die transform from free hair to bertudung tu aku xterkejut...
tp die penah komplen yg ade org tegor die kenapa die bertudung..
and then die bengang n cakap 'kenapa? aku xleh bertudung ke?"
ok, tu bukan masalah aku...

aku ingtkan die betol2 da nk bertudung...
aku agak terkejut sbb masa die attend event tu, die free hair...
aku jd hairan la..
die nie serius nk bertudung atau just nak buat tudung tu as latest fashion??

aku agak ke'pending'an sedikit disitu...
mungkin die panas kot kalau pkai tudung masa event...
(bersangka baik la)
so, aku ignore jela..
then, malam tu kitorng ade wat BBQ kat rumah sewa one of our members...
percaya tak kalau aku ckp time tu die pakai tudung??
yes! mmg die pakai tudung...
ok, aku start pk, motif kejap ko free hair kejap ko bertudung nie ape ek??
ape2 jela Z...bukan masalah aku..hoho..

ok, next story..
final da semakin menghampiri..
aku mcm xberapa ready lg..
masih di awang-awangan lg..
ape2 hal pon i have to struggle for my final sem in campus...
nk dpt result flying color la..
makin dekat ngan exam, makin banyak plak test n presentation..
haih! sabo jela.....

it's about me and my love story le..
dia cakap aku xmampu jaga diri sendiri sebab aku xsihat ari nie..
yes, i admit that i'm incapable to take care of you...
nak jaga diri sendiri pon xmampu..
inikan nk jaga orang lain..
ntah ape la yg aku mamu buat yg die nampak dalam diri aku...
bagi die, aku nie incapable person...
maybe it's one of his way to eliminate me in his life..
tapi aku sayang dia..
aku tahu yang aku mampu jaga dia...
tp aku malas nk gaduh ngan dia..
aku iya kan je la...
mmg dia macam tu..
semua benda die buat semua betol...
aku je yg selalu salah kan...
sbb tu aku bole kira ngan jari berapa kali je dia say sorry to me...
selebihnya, hanya aku yang selalu minta maaf...
yup, aku tahu aku banyak buat salah..
sebab tu aku selalu minta maaf...
tp kesalahan dia, aku pendam je...
sbb aku tahu perangai dia macam mana...
ape2 jela....
yg penting aku tahu diri aku mcm mana..

that's all for now...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

: : 2011 : :

lame giler tak update blog...
almost one year jgk rest nie..
banyak story mory le tahon nie sampai xsempat nak update blog..
*menipu bebenor deme yer :P *

well, sempena bulan Syawal nie..
nak jugak le mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan
kepada semua teman2 yang sentiasa disisi sepanjang hidup nie...

okeh le..
dalam post kali nie nk meluahkan perasaan sikit ler...
ade sorg kawan nie..
nak kata die baru break ngn bf die xla baru jgk..
tp mmg agak kecoh le bila die break sbb die kan hot stuff...haha...
then, after die break tu, teros die dapat pengganti (rezeki die la kan, xleh nk ckp ape)
then, ngn kapel baru die nie pon mmg agak hot le..
biase le, boy tu org femes kan..
untung le..hehe..
aku bkan ape, cuma agak annoying bila die asek post benda yg 'meloyakan' tekak aku kt fb..
yela..die mcm nk bgtaw kt satu dunia yg die ade bf baru..
walaupon die xmentionkan name boy die tuh, aku tahu le sape org tu..
yela..da dpt org femes..
mesti le nk femes jgk kannnn...
itu urusan ko..
yg jd urusan aku bila aku da trpaksa baca post ko kt fb pasal bf ko tu..
org len ade bf jgk cik kak sayang oii..
tp beragak la kann...

someone pernah pesan kat aku, urusan hati simpan jela dalam hati..
kenapa perlu bgtau kt fb??
nk semua org tahu eh ko ade mslh ngn bf ko??
ayooo...think la babe...
ko bukan budak tadika la..
ko tu da nk grad da pon...

ape2 hal pon, tu urusan ko jgk eh...
aku malas nk tegor direct2 nie..
kang jd kes plak kan..
ko kan jd kes besar walaupon es tu besar hama je...
susah maaa hidup sama org ini macam..
bole migraine yoo..

ok la..enough for today..
saje je nk buat first post for this year..haha
xkesah la 1 post setahun..

that's all peeps.. :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

arghhh!!! got paper today but dont have mood to study..adoi, what to do meh?? miss him damn much...cakap sehari je...nie da nak masuk 2 hari outstationnye...adoila....rindu...rindu...rindu...cepat la balik...nak mesej2 nie...mood nak study pon ilang if awk xde...huhu....

marketing oh marketing...kenapa la kau nie susah sangat?? naik bengap kepala otak aku nak membacanye...yes! sayer sangat jeles bila rumate sume da habis paper..tinggal aku sorang dok tercongak study pagi2 buta...waaaa!!!! nak habis paper cepat2....nak balik rumah...nak g melaka....

melaka?? speaking about melaka..hmm...he planned to back for melaka and meet me. meet me at melaka? do you have intention to die dear? oh, my sister kurang sikit dari singa. memang agak2 nak kena sound direct boleh la kan ajak sayer kuar ngn awk nanti kat melaka. kalau boleh memang la sayer nak kuar ngan awk yang nanti kat melaka, tapi ape lak kate akak ngn adik sayer kan. sayer kan plan nak ronggeng ngan diorang je. nanti diorang report kat ma plak sayer jumpe awk kat melaka.

yang, nape jadi camni ek? kenapa mesti sayer yang kena? kenapa mesti awk yang memilih yang? sampai sekarang sayer tak leh pikir penyelesaian nie yang. agak awk ade tak jalan nak selesaikan benda alah nie? sayer kalau bole tak nak kongsi yang. kenapa cepat sangat awk nak tunang? kenapa cepat sangat awk nak kawen? kenapa perlu buat majlis sekali ngan abg awk?

yang, sayer nanges la setiap kali sayer pikir pasal nie. sayer tak sanggop la nak tengok awk ngan dia yang. awk milik sayer. tapi kenapa awk tunang ngan die? kenapa awk kena kawen ngan die? sebab wasiat kan? sebab wasiat arwah ibu yang nak awk kawen ngan die. yang, kita xleh buat maen2 wasiat orang yang takde. sayer da risau pasal kesihatan awk yang. awk da selalu sangat saket. sayer takot tu sebab awk melambat2kan wasiat ibu yang.

yang, sayer tahu awk kena buat satu je pilihan. dan tak mungkin awk nak melupakan wasiat tu yang. sayer pasti awk akan pilih wasiat tu. yang, wasiat kena tunaikan. tak bole suka2 nak biar macam tu je. by hook or by crook, memang sayer kena tinggalkan awk yang. tapi sayer da terlalu sayangkan awk tau. awk pon da cakap yang even awk ngan die, awak still akan cari sayer. pastu awak cakap kalau sayer hilangkan diri, memang awk takkan kawen ngan akak tu. kesian die yang. sayer rase die sayang awk. kalau die tak sayang, takkan la die sanggup nak tunggu awk kan. lagipon awk kenal die dulu lagi dari sayer kan yang. arwah ibu pon da suke die yang. sedangakn arwah ibu tk pernah tahu pasal kewujudan sayer. tp sayer tak sanggup yang nak lepaskan awk. awk terlalu bernilai untuk sayer lepaskan.

Ya Allah,
Tolonglah hambamu ini dalam membuat keputusan,
Kau panjangkanlah jodoh antara aku dan dia,
Sesunggunya Kau Maha Penentu Segalanya.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

: : Berfikir Sejenak : :

There was once a man who was an enemy to Islam. He had three famous questions that no person could answer. No Islamic scholar in Baghdad could answer his three questions...thus he made fun of Islam in public. He constantly ridiculed Islam and the Muslims. One day a small boy, who`s age was 10, came along and heard the man yelling and screaming at Muslims in the street.

He was challenging people openly to answer the three questions.

The boy stood quietly and watched. He then decided that he would challenge the man. He walked up and told the man, "I will accept your challenge".

The man laughed at the boy and ridiculed the Muslims even more by saying, "A ten year old boy challenges me. Is this all you people have to offer!"

But the boy patiently reiterated his stance. He would challenge the man, and with Allah`s help and guidance, he would put this to an end. The man finally accepted.

The entire city gathered around a small "hill" where open addresses were usually made. The man climbed to the top, and in a loud voice asked his first question.

"What is your God doing right now?"

The small boy thought for a little while and then told the man to climb down the hill and to allow him to go up in order to address the question.

The man says "What? You want me to come down?"

The boy says, "Yes. I need to reply, right?"

The man made his way down and the small boy, age 10, with his little feet made his way up.

This small child`s reply was "Oh Allah Almighty! You be my witness in front of all these people. You have just willed that a Kafir be brought down to a low level, and that a Muslim be brought to a high level!"

The crowd cheered and screamed "Takbir"...."Allah-hu-akbar!!!"

The man was humiliated, but he boldly asked his Second question... "What existed before your God?"

The small child thought and thought.

Then he asked the man to count backwards. "Count from 10 backwards."

The man counted..."10, 9 ,8 , 7 , 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,0"

The boy asked, "What comes before 0 ?"

The man: "I don`t know...nothing."

The boy: "Exactly. Nothing was before Allah, for He is eternal and absolute."

The crowd cheered again...."Takbir!"...."Allah-hu-akbar!!!!"

The man, now completely frustrated, asked his final question. "In which direction is your Allah facing?"

The boy thought and thought.

He then asked for a candle. A candle was brought to him. The blessed child handed it to the man and asked him to light it.

The man did so and remarked, "What is this supposed to prove?"

The young boy asked, "In which direction is light from the candle going?"

The man responded, "It is going in all directions."

The boy: "You have answered your own question. Allah`s light (noor) goes in all directions. He is everywhere. There is no where that He cannot be found.

"The crowd cheered again...."Takbir!"...."Allah-hu-akbar!!!"

The man was so impressed and so moved by the boy`s knowledge and spirituality, that he embraced Islam and became a student of the young boy.

So ended the debate.

Who was the young boy?

The young boy was one of our leaders and one of the greatest scholars, Imam Abu Hanifa(May Allah bless him).

Sunday, April 24, 2011

: : semesterbreak - Melaka trip : :

Waa...tak sabar betol la nak gi Melaka. Dah lame teringin nak gi Melaka. Memang la mase kecik penah gi. But then, name pon lagi mase kecik. Kompem la da lupe and for sure Melaka tu berubahkan. So, nak la jugak gi tengok perubahan kat Melaka tu. Huhu.

Dah lame jugak plan nak gi jejalan untuk cuti sem. Tapi asek tak dapat jek. Huh. Dok umah pon membela lemak je. Hihi. Biase la, lame tak duk umah. :P . Kebetulan my sis pon da keje. Kat Melaka plak tuh. So, take advantage la nak suh die belanja kat sane nanti. Anyway, memang plan lame da nak gi Melaka ngan die. Sebabnya, mase satu family gi trip kat sane, aku tak dapat nak ikot sebab tak de cuti lagi mase tuh. Peh, memang agak kecik ati la sebab langsung tak inform mase gi sane. But then, kali nie nak ronggeng lame2 kat Melaka. Yeahh!!

Trip nie aku pegi 3 orang. Kakak aku, aku and adik pompuan aku. Plan asal just aku je tapi kesian plak kat adik pompuan aku tu, Som bawak la die skali. Lagipun happening sikit kalau 3 orang. Hihi.

Perancangannya 1 mei nie aku habis last paper. Malam tu teros gerak balik umah a.k.a my kampong la. Then, mungkin malam keesokkan harinya tu teros gerak gi Putrajaya dulu. Lepas jap umah makcik. Bawak adik jalan-jalan kat Alamanda. Huhu. Then, ari jumaat baru gerak gi Melaka. Then, the trip will start right after we reach in Melaka.Hoho. Can't wait for that anymore!!

Next post la aku sambong. Mau tido la. Ngantok giler nie.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

: : Oh Please ::

Please la badan
Be ok just for a couple of hours okay
Don't vomit yet
Saye puase nie
Nanti batal la puasa saye kalau sy muntah

: : Doa Abah Buatku : :

Ya Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang
Tuhan Maha Pemurah Lagi Bijaksana
Engkau ampunkanlah dosaku, isteriku dan anak-anakku
Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengampun
Ya Allah, Engkau permudahkanlah urusan kami
Engkau berikanlah kelapangan, kemudahan dan perkara-perkara yang membawa kepada kelancaran kepada anak; IZYAN HAZIRAH; dalam dia menghadapi peperiksaannya nanti
Berikan kesihatan yang baik dan akal fikiran yang cerdas sepanjang masa
Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mendengar
Kabulkanlah permintaan kami

p/s: Terima Kasih Abah. Terima kasih untuk doamu dan semangat yang kau pinjamkan buatku. Sesungguhnya, anakmu ini benar-benar menyayangimu. Terima kasih Ya Allah kerana mengurniakan seorang bapa yang terbaik buatku. Sesungguhnya Kau yang menentukan segalanya.

: : Final oh Final 2 : :

:: bila musim final exam tiba, aku sibuk nak study ::
:: bila nak study, aku terpaksa stay over night untuk revision ::
:: bila kena stay over night, aku tak cukup tido ::
:: bila tak cukup tido, badan aku mula la meragam ::
:: bila badan mula meragam, aku mula rase sebu kat perut ::
:: bila rase sebu kat perut, aku mula rase nak muntah ::
:: bila da nak muntah, aku kena la tahan untuk masok dewan ::
:: bila nak masok dewan, aku mula la berpeluh nak jawab soalan ::
:: bila da start nak jawab, aku mula la keluarkan ape yang aku da revise ::
:: bila da kuarkan ape yang aku da revise, aku pon siap jawab : :
:: lepas aku ciap jawab, aku pon kuar dari dewan ::
:: bila aku kuar dari dewan, satu paper da LEPAS : :
:: yes! itulah rentetan untuk satu subjek ::

: : Final oh Final : :

Yes. Final exam is killing me hard. Five Paper to go this semester and i still don't know what i have learnt. Adui, Poning kopalo eden stdy food cost. Sampai nak tersembur kepala otak aku neh. Benda senang but then tak study awal2. Macam nie la jadiknye. Aduhai, agak parah la sikit dengan banyak lagi keje tertunggak nie. Da la paper gap nyer ckit2 je. Hampeh tol. Sape la bikin jadual nieh. Agak2 kalo jumpe kat aku memang aku melutut la mintak panjangkan gap. Biar lambat cuti asal aku dapat study dengan tenang and damai.

Nie da pkol 6, memang tak tido dari pagi la. Adoi, mate da berpinar nie. Otak pon da tak bape nak betol.Tapi by hook or by crook, i have to study okeh. Banyak lagi wey keje tak ciap nie. Tolong la aku weh.

Anyway, sempena musim exam2 nie, aku mohon maap la yek kat sape2 yang penah aku berkasar. Untuk abah and ma, doakan perjuangan anakmu ini. Nak dekan!!

Go Izyan Hazirah!!
You can to it!
Dekan sem nie okeh!

p/s : For my Mr. Giler Kentang, awk pon buat elok2 untuk final okeh! Saya ade untuk support awk. Luv You!

p/s lagi : Miss my family a lot..!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

: : French class oh French class : :

well...as mentioned before, aku amek lagi sekali third languange untuk sem nie..
sem lepas da amek but then sem nie kena amek lg...
tak pe, aku memang suke subjek nie...huhui
nie nak cite sal roleplay french plak...

semalam aku tido samapi kol 4 sebab berhajat dihati nak siapkan report role play tuh
but then aku asek meng'update' blog terchenta sampai aku tak buat pon report tu. -,-'
pagi tadi memang agak syok tido sampai la terlepas subuh :P
(oke, itu perangai macam setan sebab tinggal solat..err, setan solat ke?? ish, xbaek betol aku neh)
tengah2 syok layan mimpi, masok la mesej dari si Zaty (member satu kos aku)

'Yan, nanti ko da nak gi kelas French bagitau aku eyh.nak kirim report French'

disebabkan terlalu mengantuk, maka aku pon tak reply mesej si Zaty and teros sambung titon
but then tak sampai setengah jam, masuk lagi sekali mesej.
kali nie dari adik aku lak, si Idah

'pray for me'

itu je die anta...tp tak pe..aku paham maksud die..
ari nie die ade interbiu biasiswa JPA.
kat Terengganu oke!
datang ngan abah lak tuh..
tapi sumpah aku terkilan giler sebab tak dapat jumpe diorang..
mesej adik aku nie pon aku tak reply jugak...
then, baru je nak lelap lagi sekali, masuk lagi mesej laen..
hadoih! agaknye memang henfon aku nie suke bunyi pagi eyh?? -.-'
kali nie dari member aku yang name Ain...
rumate si Zaty tuh..

'yan, bangun doh ko?'

'bangun doh. bakpo?'

'ado kat bilik dop?'

'ado je'

'nok nyosoh ko yan nie.ore nok pinje laptop, berukband, ngan printer..bas nok mari doh nie'
(aku agak pelik kat sini sebab tetibe cite sal bas.. :o)

'meh la bilik'

aku pon bangun sebab nak gi gosok gigi...
kang muntah lak si Ain tuh bila ngadap aku nanty.. :P
dalam hati memang agak xselesa (ayat bajet) sebab aku baru nak sambung tido lagi
alih2 kena bangun lak..
tp takpe..aku suke diorang datang bilik aku..

aku pon kuar la dari bilik sebab nak gi cuci muka ngan gosok gigi..
pintu bilik aku sengaja tak tutup rapat sebab kot-kot si Ain sampai mase aku dok dalam toilet lagi
lepas siap je sume, aku pon gerak balik bilik.
dari jauh lagi aku da nampak selipar rambu2 si Ain tuh..
memang sah die da ade kat dalam bilik..
masok je bilik aku teros sound

'naseb baik reti masok bilik'

then senyum jela minah nie..huhu
pastu aku tengok die da online gune laptop aku ngn berukband aku..
takpe, aku xkesah pon..

rupe2nye si Ain nie datang nak print slip pendaftaran kolej untuk sem depan..
baru je duk lepak ngan si Ain tak sampai 10 minit, datang lak si Zaty nie..
aku pon cakap

'hah! habis satu bilik datang sini'

heh...aku memang agak direct sikit
si Zaty nie pon datang nak print slip pendaftaran kolej tuh
hampeh tol dak nie..padahal da datang semalam
tapi bukan nak print teros..
agaknye memang suke datang bilik aku kot...
tp takpe Zaty, aku suke korang datang cari aku..

lepas diorang settle print slip tuh, diorang pon gerak la sebab si Ain da nak balik umah..
huhu..nak balik gak.. :(
then aku pon start la buat report french sebab nak tido pon macam da malas nak naik katil

lepas buat mane yang sempat, aku pon sleepkan laptop aku and teros pegi mandi
lepas mandi aku pon bersiap la nak g kelas french..
report tak siap lagi nie tp pegi jela
nanti bole ciapkan dalam makmal

bila sampai je kat kelas, sir da ade
aku lepak2 jap ngan sir, sir pon cakap ari nie takde kelas
ari nie untuk hantar report jek.
cheh, hampeh tol.
beg aku da berat ngan buku da..
tapi takpe la...
ilmu kan..

ok la...nak men game lak..nie pon dalam kelas french lagi..
wakaka (gelak anak setan)
nanti update later lak..huhu..

: : kepenatan-Part 1 : :

Minggu2 akhir nie memang la banyak giler testnya. Ahad da start ngan test Housekeeping. Tapi tak pegi pon. Haha. Demam seh sebab ade inner problem (ceh, inner la sgt -.-'). Member sume agak pelik sebab sebelum nie aku mane penah suke-suki nak ponteng test penting cenggitu. Tapi da nak buat camne lau da nak bangun pon macam orang mabuk da. Ahh....lantak la ngan test tu. Bole postpone. :D. Lepas tu hari isnin Quiz French ngan Test 2 Food Cost. Memang otak aku nie tak berape sempat nak rehat la kann. Yang Quiz French tuh memang aku amek on time. Maksudnya betol2 time kelas French la. Tapi yang Food Cost tu aku mintak ngan sir nak ambek test time petang. Ngan group lagi 1. Sebabnya aku cakap kat sir aku tak ready. Tapi memang tak ready pon mase tuh. Confidence nak jawab tuh tak de.

Pastu, ari selasa aku kena hadap 3 test. Hah! Hambek kau. Bengong pale otak aku nak stdy 3 subjek untuk jawab dalam mase 1 hari. Awal pagi tuh start ngn test Housekeeping Practical. Test tu just kena iron baju kemeja ngan jawab 5 oral questions. Yes! iron baju tuh memang la aku lulus. Ciap miss puji baju kemeja aku chantek lg! Haha (ok, sila muntah :P). Tapi memang chantek pon. Akak aku sponser baju kemeja tuh.Sebenarnya untuk kelas Front Office Practical, tapi time kelas tuh asyek pakai baju kurung je. Sebab tak turun Front Desk pon. Duk gondem sistem fedilio tuh jek. Then, antare soklan yang aku kena jawabnye:-

  1. name the soap that use in this laundry. Aku sikit punye pening nak cari jawapan sebab aku tahu name sabun tuh but then aku lupe name die. Haha. Padahal dalam bilik pon aku guna sabun tuh jugak buat basuh segala kain busuk aku. (oke, xberape nak busuk pon :P). Jawapanye: Dynamo :D (sape gune sabun nie gak sila angkat tangan macam saye yerr..-versi Usop- )
  2. Function Drying machine. Haa. Yang nie memang aku maen hentam je. Aku cakap kat miss for drying the cloth and also reduce porousness of the cloths. Ntah betol ke tak aku pon malas nak amek kesah. Hihi
  3. what are the cleaning agents in the handy tod? Hah. Aku men sebut je ape yang terlintas kat kepala aku time tuh. Antara yang aku sebut Cif, Ambi pur, Bleach, Harpic, Vision, Multipurpose. Ade lagi sebenarnye tp aku lupe ape name die. HEH.
  4. what are the things we use for mopping? Aku pon dengan selamber nye cakap mop. Memang la betol mop tu. Tapi yang tepat nye Dusting mop. haha. Ye! Aku da salah kat situ je kawan2. :P .
  5. last question aku lupe daa... :p
Lepas je Test Housekeeping, teros berkejar untuk Test Akaun plak. Da la masok lambat sebab lambat settle mase Test Housekeeping tuh. Yang test akaun nie memang aku men hentam je. Janji aku buat sume soklan. Selalunya kalo da test akaun, kalau xsalah tekan kalkulator memang tak sah aku nieh. haha. Rugi je marks kat situ. Habis test akaun, kena lak brainwash kat miss. Menyempat la kejap. But then, aku accept sume tu as advice sebab lecturer tugas diorang bukan untuk bagi lecture je, but also advice. Huhu.


Monday, April 11, 2011

: : update blog sambil mengumpat : :

yesss! itulah entry ku pade kali ini...ngeh3...moh le kite mengumpat sesame kite yek...wakaaka...ok, 1st6story, ku nak cite pasal sorang awek yang perasan cun melecun sbb die ade pakwe...oppss....hahaha....umum ok...i am not focusing on anybody through that statement....ok....sambung describing her...hmmm....muka agak chantek tp bahasa mcm hampeh...dunno how to respect people...mentang2 ko ade bakat dalam dot dot dot, xyah nak apply sgt la kat aku...meluat tau tak??!! badannye xla hot mane pon....keding ade la..haha...mmg hari2 agak menyampah la kan tgk muke kerek die..huh!! muka da la muka mintak penampar..eii...rase mcm nk bagi je...aku nie sedar diri..tahu diri xchantek...xloaded mcm ko..tapi aku reti nak hormat org macam mane...ko nak aku ajarkan ke??? aku bole je nak ajar ko...free of charge lagi taw...awww...wakakaka..(gelak setan la ckit hari nie)....huhu..

ok la...dah2 la kamu mengumpat orangnye..kang balik kat diri sendiri baru padan muke hang..haha....ok, skrg nak cite sal bisnes sket...skarang aku da start 2 bisnes in a same time...bisnes ape?? haaa...jangan xtaw u all...i skrg jual topup sama khidmat printing...murah jak...huhui...sape nak bole le melawat bilik ku ini yer.. :D

hurmmmm...love story la plak...adui..yang nie agak mengecewakan...susah la nak cite kat org..hanya teman2 rapat je yang tahu...thanks yek rumate2 ku...sayang korang sangat2 taw...kan best lau next sem 1 bilik ngn korang lg..at least da kenal perangai macam mane..aku xkesah korang nakal..asal jangan jd setan macam org tuh! huh
! sakit tol hati nie...sabooo je la...

ok la..gtg...test sila tunggu turn yek..saya mau layan blog terchenta ini sekejap..huhui...daaaa.....:D

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

: : happy happy happy : :


i dont know whether today is the happiest day in this week or what...but i'm so so so happy today...orang kata sedih n gembira nie kena la kongsi same2...so, today, i want to share my happiness with all of you...wooohooo....

last night i SMS him and asked him whether he free or not but he said he got some work to do..then i just ignore his SMS and continue layan perasaan sedih la...fyi, yesterday was like hell for me..period pain, assgments, tests, quizzes and so on make my head wanna burst...i need someone to make me calm and only him can do that...

after i received his SMS, i went to toilet to wash my face and brush my teeth as i wanted to go bed...after came back from toilet, i got a missed call from him..do you know what's mean missed call?? panggilan rindu la... :P ...hehe..well, xsempat angkat, nada da putus...hoping for him to call back...

one minute...two minutes...three minutes....'muahh..muahh..sungguh aku cinta sungguh aku rindu...'..ha, gitu lah lebih kurang bunyi ringtone my cute pinky phone...yey! he called back...i answered and the first question he asked me was why am i so silent...hmm....i got problem you know...but i said dunno..hehe...saje je..but then, he kept asking me some sweet questions... :D

after 4 minutes, he ended the call coz got some work to be settled by tonite..he promised to SMS me after he settled eveything...i said ok and 15 minutes later, he SMSed me and said he bored doing his work...then we msg and bila da midnite, masing2 xnak tido..hah, ape lg...webcam la jwbnye...hehe...sampai ke pagi ber'webcam'nye...

smlm is sangat2 best...yg selebihnya tu biarlah kami je yg tahu....hehehe....

adui, rindu la kat awk...ish, bile dpt jumpe xtaw la tu...

doa2kanlah kami dpt jumpe ye...


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

: : abad : :

peh...terasa berabad blog ini tak di'update'kan...huhu...bukan malas..but have no idea what to chat about...if anybody got interesting title may share with me so that i can update my blog more often..hihi....hmmm....xtahu la nak borak sal ape...tp for sure this is my blog, so, of course about thing that related to me rite...huhu...

nothing interesting happened (impossible) but actually i forgot already what had happened along this week..haha...bukan xingt tp xnak ingt...got so many other things to be remembered...so, just forget about unimportant things lah! but, bosankan bile xde benda syok sy xingt...xpela..let me flash back what happen this week...

1) adoi...i cant remember anything what had happened this week...arghh....mesti sbb banyak telan semut nie...adei...sungguh xsuke..

actually, i miss him...nak jumpe die la..but he is sooooo busy...have to understand his job..well, it's ok for me....as long as i can keep in touch with him then i'll be ok.. hopefully...hihi...heran la how he can know my feeling about something...do we have instinct or what that can relate us to know about each other?? sometimes i can feel uneasy along the day...then, i got knew he sick...hmm..same as if i sick or something happen to me..he can feels it without asking me...

hmm....miss miss miss him a lot la...almost one month xjumpe..kompem la rindu...bila la dapat ketemu...haish! sabar3...tunggu die ade cuti dulu ok... :)

done for today la..xtahu da mau ngomong apa...


Friday, January 28, 2011

: : Shah Alam : :

owh! today is my last day at Kolej Duyung before going to Shah Alam tomorrow..hurm...lambatnye mase berlalu without him here beside me..huhu..along the morning, asek xde letrik je..tension betol..nak makan pon kena tahan sbb xleh nak masak pape kan since letrik xde...nak masak megi pon xle...huhu...berlapau la sampai petang...nie mesti kes pak guard uitm nie ingt da xde org kat hostel sbb seluruh kampus xde letrik..tp kat rumah2 len ade je..huh..sengal la jgk..hoho...

ok la...for this entry, i donno what to say...nothing interesting happen today..just dari pg asek lepak lam bilik doing nothing...mybe bile da sampai shah alam baru ade plan nk buat aktiviti..huhu...

ok la..out for now..chow~

Thursday, January 27, 2011

: : You Are My Sun Shine Forever ^_^ : :

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me and love another,
You'll regret it all some day:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between.
But not you've left me and love another;
You have shattered all of my dreams:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me
When I awake my poor heart pains.
So when you come back and make me happy
I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

: : Pulau Pinang : :

: : pengorbanan... : :


so, entry title for today is 'pengorbanan' or 'sacrifice'..hoho..well, in our life, lot of sacrifice we must face and go through to make sure our life is not so plain and bored...sometimes, we go up and sometime we go down...for some people, mybe sacrifice is something that not really hard to be done such as pengorbanan mase tido untuk siapkan assignment..well, that is one of the sacrifice as a student right?? ahh, ape benda la yang merepek nie...ishh...

actually, blog kali ni nak story ckit pasal sacrifice as a commander in uitm dungun....for your information, i'm one of the commander in uitm dungun...now berpangkang Komander Rendah Kanan Izyan Hazirah..hohoho...sesuaikan >_<..heehe...being a commander in uitm dungun is my cita2 actually..before i start my semester here, i read a book about a commander who survive in Gunung Tahan for 19 days after she (yup,,the commander is a woman) lost in Gunung Tahan...

sebenarnye bukan sebab komander tu but i really love to active in kokurikulum...well, i love kawad and something outdoor activities..hoho....eh, lari tajuk lagi..haha...ok2...continue about sacrifice.. :P ... camni, next week is semester break..but, i cannot go home as we (komander shark squad) have to go to uitm shah alam for a national camp (if i not mistaken)...it will be held from 29th January until 1st February...so, as a Komander Shark Squad, i have to sacrifice my cuti sem to the camp..hoho..but, i volunteer myself to go there as i got no ticket for my kampong..huhuhu..

miss a lot my sisters and family...miss to talk with them face-to-face..miss to cook them some food...miss to go out with them... :( ...anyway, wait for me to back home :) hehe... eden xsabau da..hoho...

now, rase nk titon lak..ngantok seyh..malam nie nak start kemas barang untuk kem plak..huh..sabar jela...

dada all....
wait for another entry keyh..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

: : for the first time ^_^ : :

aduih...korang mesti pelik kenapa entry kali nie bertajuk sedemikian (berfalsampah ckit :P)..hehe...ok la..let's continue...refer to the entry title, for the first time of this semester, i woke up late for my French class..hohoho...

actly not really late as i already took my bath after doing my Subuh prayer...thanks God i da mandi that time..xde la terkejar-kejar nak mandi n pakai baju...da la hari nie kena pakai baju F1 SharkSquad...

and also baju tu pon da di iron semalam...naseb bek Monsieur Hanafiah xmarah masok kelas lambat...anyway, this is my first time masok kelas French lambat...ahhh...talking about French, i want all of you to know abt my lecturer...well, my French lecturer is a man...his name is Mohd Hanafiah..but we were aksed to call him Monsieur Hanafiah...Monsieur means Mister in French...i really love French..since i know that hotel management students have to learn French language for our third language, i feel so excited...why? because i am proud to know other language instead of English and for sure Malay...now, i can speak in French but not fluently.. :D

what i wan to story here is Monsieur Hanafiah can remember my name after our second class on tihs sem..hohoho...well, not all lecturer can remember your name if your're not active in class rite?? so, i made myself active in French class and now he keeps asking me to read the dialogue, or answer the question or teaching my friends..hehe...

ok la..enough for this entry..ngantok la pulak lepas makan megi..huhu..duit da xde nak beli nasi..so, megi la menjadi mangsa..hehe....


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

: : hello 2011.. =D : :

haish...now da nak masok FEBRUARI 2011...tp blog entry nie baru say 'Hello 2011'..nampak sgt not up-to-date..hehe...anyway, i left this blog since February 2010 and now try to make this blog active back...why i do so?? well, just now i read my kakak's blog and her blog is one of my feveret blog instead of another two blog which are dot dot dot (i cant tell as the owner of the blogs are not knowing i always read their blogs.. :P )

well, lots of stories happened along year 2010...everything about friends, loves and stdy...those three are my major things to be thinked...hehe..anyway, benda2 nie semua make me feel more alive..bukan maksod selame nie xalive...but in the term of xrase hidup kat U nie mcm mane...dats what i meant juz now....those things happen from friend to love...and then it come together with my stdy..haish...betol ke nie?? pening da...

ok, lets story about my stdy...well, i got dekan for semester 2...hoho..congrate to me... :D ... poiter?? shhh....secret la...not too high but enough for me to get the dekan title...i'm so thankful about this as this is my harapan since my first semester...alhamdulillah...i got the title on semester 2...berkat usaha diri ini bersama sokongan dari yg tersayang..ok, nk menyelit sikit pasal org yg tersayang nie..before this, i dont believe about person we love may affect our stdy..but, it was proven when i got dekan for my 2nd semester...besides working hard, i found that someone i adore most play big role by giving me support in achiving the title...thanks a lot to him... :D ..

ok, move to the story of my friends....this is the only (i hope) sem that i got an enemy coincidently..hohoho..yes, ade gak kes tetibe dapat musuh nie...hmm...this is not good..why? for me, semester 2 is also my worst semester ever in my life as a student in uitm (hopefully) ...sgt2 susah bila dipinggirkan kawan..but, i got a person that can give me fully support in my stdy..thanks a gain to him..if he reads this, i hope he proud of me.. =)

ok la...nothing to say anymore...just wanna activated my account / blog back...

wassalam... =)