Friday, January 28, 2011

: : Shah Alam : :

owh! today is my last day at Kolej Duyung before going to Shah Alam tomorrow..hurm...lambatnye mase berlalu without him here beside me..huhu..along the morning, asek xde letrik je..tension betol..nak makan pon kena tahan sbb xleh nak masak pape kan since letrik xde...nak masak megi pon xle...huhu...berlapau la sampai petang...nie mesti kes pak guard uitm nie ingt da xde org kat hostel sbb seluruh kampus xde kat rumah2 len ade je..huh..sengal la jgk..hoho...

ok la...for this entry, i donno what to say...nothing interesting happen today..just dari pg asek lepak lam bilik doing nothing...mybe bile da sampai shah alam baru ade plan nk buat aktiviti..huhu...

ok la..out for now..chow~

Thursday, January 27, 2011

: : You Are My Sun Shine Forever ^_^ : :

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me and love another,
You'll regret it all some day:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between.
But not you've left me and love another;
You have shattered all of my dreams:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me
When I awake my poor heart pains.
So when you come back and make me happy
I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

: : Pulau Pinang : :

: : pengorbanan... : :


so, entry title for today is 'pengorbanan' or 'sacrifice'..hoho..well, in our life, lot of sacrifice we must face and go through to make sure our life is not so plain and bored...sometimes, we go up and sometime we go down...for some people, mybe sacrifice is something that not really hard to be done such as pengorbanan mase tido untuk siapkan assignment..well, that is one of the sacrifice as a student right?? ahh, ape benda la yang merepek nie...ishh...

actually, blog kali ni nak story ckit pasal sacrifice as a commander in uitm dungun....for your information, i'm one of the commander in uitm berpangkang Komander Rendah Kanan Izyan Hazirah..hohoho...sesuaikan >_<..heehe...being a commander in uitm dungun is my cita2 actually..before i start my semester here, i read a book about a commander who survive in Gunung Tahan for 19 days after she (yup,,the commander is a woman) lost in Gunung Tahan...

sebenarnye bukan sebab komander tu but i really love to active in kokurikulum...well, i love kawad and something outdoor, lari tajuk lagi..haha...ok2...continue about sacrifice.. :P ... camni, next week is semester break..but, i cannot go home as we (komander shark squad) have to go to uitm shah alam for a national camp (if i not mistaken) will be held from 29th January until 1st, as a Komander Shark Squad, i have to sacrifice my cuti sem to the camp..hoho..but, i volunteer myself to go there as i got no ticket for my kampong..huhuhu..

miss a lot my sisters and family...miss to talk with them face-to-face..miss to cook them some food...miss to go out with them... :( ...anyway, wait for me to back home :) hehe... eden xsabau da..hoho...

now, rase nk titon lak..ngantok seyh..malam nie nak start kemas barang untuk kem plak..huh..sabar jela...

dada all....
wait for another entry keyh..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

: : for the first time ^_^ : :

aduih...korang mesti pelik kenapa entry kali nie bertajuk sedemikian (berfalsampah ckit :P)..hehe...ok la..let's continue...refer to the entry title, for the first time of this semester, i woke up late for my French class..hohoho...

actly not really late as i already took my bath after doing my Subuh prayer...thanks God i da mandi that time..xde la terkejar-kejar nak mandi n pakai baju...da la hari nie kena pakai baju F1 SharkSquad...

and also baju tu pon da di iron semalam...naseb bek Monsieur Hanafiah xmarah masok kelas lambat...anyway, this is my first time masok kelas French lambat...ahhh...talking about French, i want all of you to know abt my lecturer...well, my French lecturer is a man...his name is Mohd Hanafiah..but we were aksed to call him Monsieur Hanafiah...Monsieur means Mister in French...i really love French..since i know that hotel management students have to learn French language for our third language, i feel so excited...why? because i am proud to know other language instead of English and for sure, i can speak in French but not fluently.. :D

what i wan to story here is Monsieur Hanafiah can remember my name after our second class on tihs sem..hohoho...well, not all lecturer can remember your name if your're not active in class rite?? so, i made myself active in French class and now he keeps asking me to read the dialogue, or answer the question or teaching my friends..hehe...

ok la..enough for this entry..ngantok la pulak lepas makan megi..huhu..duit da xde nak beli, megi la menjadi mangsa..hehe....


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

: : hello 2011.. =D : : da nak masok FEBRUARI blog entry nie baru say 'Hello 2011'..nampak sgt not up-to-date..hehe...anyway, i left this blog since February 2010 and now try to make this blog active back...why i do so?? well, just now i read my kakak's blog and her blog is one of my feveret blog instead of another two blog which are dot dot dot (i cant tell as the owner of the blogs are not knowing i always read their blogs.. :P )

well, lots of stories happened along year 2010...everything about friends, loves and stdy...those three are my major things to be thinked...hehe..anyway, benda2 nie semua make me feel more alive..bukan maksod selame nie xalive...but in the term of xrase hidup kat U nie mcm mane...dats what i meant juz now....those things happen from friend to love...and then it come together with my stdy..haish...betol ke nie?? pening da...

ok, lets story about my stdy...well, i got dekan for semester 2...hoho..congrate to me... :D ... poiter?? shhh....secret la...not too high but enough for me to get the dekan title...i'm so thankful about this as this is my harapan since my first semester...alhamdulillah...i got the title on semester 2...berkat usaha diri ini bersama sokongan dari yg tersayang..ok, nk menyelit sikit pasal org yg tersayang nie..before this, i dont believe about person we love may affect our stdy..but, it was proven when i got dekan for my 2nd semester...besides working hard, i found that someone i adore most play big role by giving me support in achiving the title...thanks a lot to him... :D ..

ok, move to the story of my friends....this is the only (i hope) sem that i got an enemy coincidently..hohoho..yes, ade gak kes tetibe dapat musuh nie...hmm...this is not good..why? for me, semester 2 is also my worst semester ever in my life as a student in uitm (hopefully) ...sgt2 susah bila dipinggirkan kawan..but, i got a person that can give me fully support in my stdy..thanks a gain to him..if he reads this, i hope he proud of me.. =)

ok la...nothing to say anymore...just wanna activated my account / blog back...

wassalam... =)