Thursday, April 19, 2012

:: Guru Ganti ::

dah kenapa tajuk entry pasal guru ganti??
tukar profesyen ke skrg??

sbnrnye skrg i'm a cikgu....keh3...
me become a cikgu??
owh! unbelievable...
nie sume sbb member abah yg offer...
in the sam time, i got no job that time..
so, just accept that as my rezeki...huhu...
well, today is not my first day at school...
it is 9th day me being a cikgu...

erm...i'm teaching Bahasa Melayu standard 4 and 5...
well, not really good but still can handlc situation..hoho...
sometime kene ganti guru yg tak datang that day...

contohnya seperti hari nie...
i was asked by Cikgu Omar(PKP) tu replace Cikgu Salwani in 1 Wawasan...
for your info, 1 Wawasan is the second and the worth class in standard 1...
adoi, so hard to handle them...
i got no experience in handling a class of standard 1 student

all of them are very super duper notty...
they did not listen what i;m saying and keeping teasing with their friends..
there is one student who quite untalkactive in the class...
when i was scolding some students who play outside of the class, he was crying..
coz one of his friends (Danish) hit him...
oh God..i feel like want to cry too coz i dont know what to do...
then, i just let him cry..hehe..

i cant be handle standard 1 students...
one hour is like one year..
cant breath at once..hoho...

anyway, now, i'm enjoying eating nasi bungkus in bilik guru..
lapor seyh!

p/s: nie la padahnye bila student Hotel Management become a School Teacher...
huhu.. T_T