Friday, July 31, 2015

: : BAD DAY TODAY??? : :


Satu-satunya baju sopan wa bawak sini dah rosak!!!!!!!

Hangus weh kena iron!!! 😭😭😭😭

Nak nangis boleh x??? Dh la wa sayang baju tu...hukhukhuk



 Alhandulillah...first job interview after 6 months plus menanti kerja.


Wa otw ke kuala lumpur untk tlg cik anna on 29th july. Wa naik bas kt peladang kul 10.30 pagi. Mase wa dpt email nie, wa dh kt gua musang dh. Bas benti untuk lunch. Agak terkedu la tgk email nie. Sbb wa anta application kt jobstreet sehari sebelum tarikh email tu which was on 28th july la.

Mula-mula tu terkedu, then terus whatsapp ma ckp dpt interview keje.

That was the conversation. Ma terus ckp ok. Tp tu la, xbwk sijil bagai. I was unprepared. So, wa decide untuk text en.azman tu as for confirmation message and i also asked him whether is it ok if i go interview without all the certificates and any other relevent documents.

I was hoping and waiting for his reply along the day. Tapi hampa. He didnt reply my text (crying emoticon). Basiccally, not all my family members la know about the interview.

The next day which was 30th, he replyed my text!!! (Smiley). Ahhh, again, alhamdulillah. No other words.

And now, i am worrying of what is going to happen tomorrow (technically, today la). I dint have any proper shirt and slack, i dont have suitable shoes, i even dont know what to prepare. All i have done today was helping cik anna baking cookies, helped her with preparation for hari raya eve where she invited fews of her friends to come here. And also, keep googleling about the company only through website, which i dont get much info at all.

So, i planned to go early tomorrow and maybe i can get some pamphlete at the office. But, i am so nervous right now.

Pray for my interview. Semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya, aminn.


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

: : MOODY : :

Takde mood nak update blog panjang2. Cuma nk ckp wa rindu je. Wa rindu, tp wa susah hati. Wa rase dia duk layan pompuan lain. Biasenya instict wa betul kalau perihak dia. Tp wa xnk percaya. Wa xnk buruk sangka. Tp, wa xsedap hati. Rase nak nangis je. TT

: : #throwback 1; TRBKL (JULAI 2014) : :


Seperti dijanjikan, wa akan slow2 tulis memori2 wa yg xsempat wa tulis sebelum nie. Moga2 Allah permudahkan urusan wa. Aminnn.....

#throwback 1; TRBKL

TRBKL ( baca: The Royale Bintang Hotel Kuala Lumpur)
Nie la tempat pertama wa keje sebagai permenent staff. Wa diterima keje kt sini sebagai Housekeeping Supervisor. Semua tu rezeki dari Allah. Mgkin Dia tahu wa mmg tgh bersedih lg mase tu, Dia kurniakan wa keje sebelum result exam wa keluar. Alhamdulillah

Lepas je habis last paper untuk final year, HR TRBKL call wa yg mase tunotw nk g uitm shah alam sebab nk submit report thesis. Mase tu bulan 7 tahun 2014, tgh2 bulan Ramadhan. Few days lepas habis paper, wa terus kena lapor diri.

Wa start packing brg2 kt rumah sewa puncak alam and tgu abah dtg ambik wa ngn brg2 wa skali. Pastu, motor wa abah ckp tinggal je dlu kt rumah ayah man kt Putrajaya. Then wa balik bukit sireh semalaman je. Penatnye ya ampun. Tp wa tahu, abah ngn ma lg penat sbnrnye. So, wa diamkn aje.

Time otw dr KK-KL, kete pecah tayar pulak kt karak. Right before sahur. Jd, kami sahur ala kadar je tepi highway sambil tgu abam2 ronda plus dtg bwk jack kete.

After semua settle, abh terus g anta idah yg mase tu nk g shah alam sebab ade program dia. Then, abh masuk KL and tunjuk area tempat keje wa kt jalan bukit bintang. Lepas tu baru abh bwk g rumah cik anna/ayah dea kt keramat au as wa kene stay sane sementara.

The next day, wa naik ktm g keje. Naik dari sri rampai station (ayh dea anta), turun kt masjid jamek and tukar tren. Pastu baru turun kt hang tuah. Jalan kaki dari hang tuah station sampai la ke hotel. Hari tu g awal sbb takut trsesat. Dh la puasa mase tu. Pagi2 lg dh berpeluh.

That day went smoothly :D

(Gambar masuk next time ;p )


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

: : IT HAS BEEN A YEAR!!!! : :


Masya-Allah, it has been a year i didnt post anything in my blog. Nie semua sebab kecewa (alasan...wakakakaka). Well, dalam masa setahun nie, so many things happened and everything have been nice to me (eventhough sometimes, i faced hard time...normal la tu kann...xkan nak bahagia selalu :P)

Dalam masa setahun nie, bermacam2 occasion dah trjadi. Inn shaa Allah, dengan izin-Nya, i will try my best to jot down everything that i remember throughout this year.

For now, i just wanna say Alhamdulillah as Allah still grant me chance to live in His beautiful world and still lend me this soul till now.

that's all for now. I'm waiting for the process of transferring my pictures to my OTG (on -the-go pendrive)
